
Bordeaux free walking tour

Bordeaux Free Walking Tour

Book a free tour now!

why choose us?

Value for Money

Our tour gives you a perfect introduction to the Bordeaux and takes you to some of its most popular attractions. You will not only be shown the city’s main landmarks, but you will also learn about its history in a fun and entertaining way.


Why pay €25+ per person with other companies when with us you can "pay what you want". If the guide provided a fun and informative tour feel free to leave a tip. Remember our guides have expenses and taxes to pay too!

UNESCO Bordeaux

We try to include all the main locations in Bordeaux that we feel need to be experienced. From Cathedral Saint Andre to the Monument aux Girondins we hope you appreciate our choices.

Plans for your visit

Our guides will be only to happy to help you plan for your stay here in Bordeaux? Whether its how to visit a Chateau for wine or a day trip to Dune du Pilat we will try provide you with the best information.

Where to meet?

Look out for the red umbrella beside the statue of Jacques Chaban Delmas in Place Pey Berland


what time?

Tour takes place everyday at 10h30

Tours available in English and Spanish

Booking is essential